Last night, Justin and I went over to John & Linda's for dinner and "Game Night." On the menu: 'Dump Dinner'!! This was the cutest idea I have ever seen. As everyone arrived, John and Linda were secretive about what we were having for dinner... then they started setting up the table, not with the usual plates and forks, but with newspapers and a tablecloth. As we all sat down around the table, John brought over a huge pot, pretended to trip, and dumped our dinner out all over the table in front of us!! Sooo cute! After I got over my shock, thinking that he really did trip and spill, I realized what was going on. No forks, no plates: just DIG IN! and it was Yummy! What a cute idea!
After dinner, the games began!! First up: Apples to Apples, a classic full of LAUGHS! And after we thought we couldn't laugh any harder, we moved on to Guesstures and were soon rolling on the ground [practically] laughing at the actors in our group!
What an awesome night- Thanks John & Linda!!

What an awesome night- Thanks John & Linda!!