So this week [actually, it began last week] has been an exciting week for me on the job front, as a number of things have started to brew.
First of all, I had a 'first interview' for an "Enrollment Specialist" position at Children's Learning Adventure on Tuesday. This company is new to the Vegas area, so they are just building and getting started [they are established in Arizona already] around this area. After driving by the new one just up the road from us, I googled it and ended up inquiring online about this position. With NO job description to be found anywhere, I was a little nervous about going into the interview. Luckily, the lady was really nice and she was more just testing my personality to determine whether to pass on my information. All went well and she said that I should hear back soon from the CEO of the company who I'll have to interview with next [eek!] because it's actually considered a management level position. So I'm waiting patiently to hear back from her!
Next, I FINALLY, finally, heard back from the Clark County School District about my substitute teaching application. I applied way back in October, interviewed right before Thanksgiving, and just heard that I GOT IT this week! So now I am just waiting for the pre-employment packet to come in the mail [should be here today!!!] to figure out what my next steps should be. This will be a perfect job for me, as it is flexible [so I can travel!!] and can be part-time/full-time! So until I hear back from my these other jobs, I will enjoy this and it could potentially lead to me being a full time teacher, we'll see how it goes!
Thirdly, awhile back I had applied for a position as a 'Student Success Coach' with DeVry University , and recently I was asked to go online to do an initial assessment, which I must have passed, because yesterday I received another email saying, "Congratulations, you have been selected to continue with the interview process." This lead me to fill out ANOTHER online assessment, so I am again just waiting to hear back from them for the next step!
And, last but not least, this morning, I opened my email to ANOTHER pleasant surprise [I just love getting emails from job places, except when it's the rejection email, which, I have unfortunately received as well :/]. Anyways, this was from Humana, Inc, which I applied to awhile ago as well [I'm realizing how long it must take to filter through all the applications and finish the process] asking me to continue with the interview process as well. This of course, required an online assessment [very convenient way for them to wean out the candidates] which I just completed. So yet again, waiting game! Which is good, because anyone who knows me knows patience is not my virtue, and my patience has sure been tested and practiced throughout my entire job search process.
So, hopefully, pretty soon I'll be able to quit adjusting my resume and cover letter and settle into a position with one, or a completely different, of these places!