It's hard to believe that Justin and I have been living in Vegas for almost 6 months already, well almost 5 technically, but I'm planning ahead, so it seems like 6! Since we didn't get to come down to visit before actually moving here, we just signed a 6 month lease at a recommended apartment complex located conveniently RIGHT (literally) next to Justin's work, a 1 minute walk for him. While this convenience has been nice for him, we aren't too impressed with our actual apartment, so we've been looking to 'upgrade,' if you will. For me, I HATE, living in a place where other people have lived and I can never feel at 'home' in such places. Thus, I set out to find a brand new apartment/condo/townhouse, still located by Justin's office. Not only because it's nice to get by with one car, but also because we really do like the area we are in (it's so close to EVERYTHING, restaurants, target, groceries, etc.) And guess what?!?! Lucky for us, there is a brand new, openning in March 2010 (right when we need it!) apartment complex going up just down the road!! I'm so excited and can't wait to go see it this Saturday for it's open house! I'm hoping I won't be disappointed! I'll keep you posted!
Another big decision we are making at this time is whether or not to get a new puppy!! We've been talking about getting a big dog for awhile now, but we aren't allowed to have one in our current apartment. Now that our lease will be up, and our 'future' apartments do allow big dogs, we are considering sneaking one in for the remainder of our current lease, getting it potty trained and everything before we move into our new place. [plus we are both too impatient to wait much longer!] But, the big decision is, what kind of dog do we get?! It's a tie between a German Shepherd, Golden Retriever [my choice], and a Labrador Retriever [Justin's choice]. Any recommendations/suggestions?
Will you be my new Mommy?!?!

Another big decision we are making at this time is whether or not to get a new puppy!! We've been talking about getting a big dog for awhile now, but we aren't allowed to have one in our current apartment. Now that our lease will be up, and our 'future' apartments do allow big dogs, we are considering sneaking one in for the remainder of our current lease, getting it potty trained and everything before we move into our new place. [plus we are both too impatient to wait much longer!] But, the big decision is, what kind of dog do we get?! It's a tie between a German Shepherd, Golden Retriever [my choice], and a Labrador Retriever [Justin's choice]. Any recommendations/suggestions?