
{Wish} List.

Wow, as of late, I have been racking up a huge wish list of things that I want, but of course do not NEED. blah blah blah. So here goes...

First things first:
A 'professional' camera... I'm dying to have one of these- our current camera is just a small digital one, which is nice, but I want one that has good zoom ability and just overall has better quality!

Now that we are moving into a new apartment with two 'living' rooms, Justin and I are looking for a new couch, as well as to kind of update our look. I found this at a local store for a great price, plus the colors are perfect! I'm going to have to head out shopping to make sure it's as comfortable as it looks!


I've been eying this French Connection dress for a few weeks now, one of these days I'll just splurge. If I had an occasion/excuse to wear it, I'd for sure get it...

And last, but certainly not least, (and not actually the last thing on my list- just the last thing I'm going to post today...)

Stinking Garth Brooks tickets!! Holy smokes- these things are impossible to get!! But I WILL get them and I will LOVE every second of it!!